Getting surrounded by hordes of enemies and dodging bullet hell is not the only way to play a Shooter game. In Clash of Heavens, you summon a horde of allies to surround and destroy monsters! You will power up your hero and allies with Incremental clicker gameplay, and go forth to annihilate the Devil Army!
★ Features ★
◆ FREE TO PLAY Exciting Action RPG Experience
◆ TAP to defeat hordes of monsters
◆ ADVANCE across various realms to save the world
◆ COLLECT pets, artifacts and equipment to help your clause
◆ GATHER with your friends and guildmates and defeat the demons with the power of Friendship and Unity
◆ REBIRTH and grow ever and ever stronger as you march on
◆ COMPETE against other heroes and won marvelous rewards from tournaments
Fast-Paced Combat!
Shoot! Destroy! Push Forward! Have fun mowing down gigantic monsters!
Mow Down the Mobs with Style!
As you level up, you can learn various awesome skills -- Powerful attacks, massive group buffs, and draw upon the power of your friends and guildmates!
Fly with Your Pets!
You can summon pets to help shoot down the monsters. Not just a couple of them. You can summons dozens of pets to swarm your enemies!
Collect Artifacts!
By going through Rebirth, your hero can earn Rebirth Crystals to be turned into Artifacts with immense magical prowess. For every Rebirth your hero go through, they will get tremendously stronger through the power of the Artifacts!
Come circondato da orde di nemici e schivando l'inferno proiettile non è l'unico modo per giocare un gioco sparatutto. In Clash dei Cieli, evochi un'orda di alleati per circondare e distruggere i mostri! Potrai accendere il tuo eroe e gli alleati con incrementale gameplay clicker, e andare avanti per annientare l'esercito del diavolo!
★ Caratteristiche ★
◆ GRATIS PER GIOCARE azione eccitante gioco di ruolo Experience
◆ TAP per sconfiggere orde di mostri
◆ ADVANCE attraverso vari regni per salvare il mondo
◆ RACCOGLIERE animali domestici, manufatti e attrezzature per aiutare il vostro clausola
◆ riunirsi con i vostri amici e compagni di gilda e sconfiggere i demoni con la potenza di amicizia e l'unità
◆ RINASCITA e crescere sempre e sempre più forte, come si marcia su
◆ competere contro altri eroi e ha vinto meravigliose ricompense da tornei
Veloce combattimento!
Sparare! Distruggere! Spingere oltre! Buon divertimento falciando mostri giganteschi!
Falciare le folle con stile!
Come si salire di livello, si può imparare varie abilità impressionante - gli attacchi potenti, appassionati di gruppo massicce, e attingere la forza dei vostri amici e compagni di gilda!
Vola con i tuoi animali!
Si può evocare gli animali domestici per aiutare abbattere i mostri. Non solo un paio di loro. È possibile convoca decine di animali domestici a sciamare i tuoi nemici!
Raccogliere Artefatti!
Passando attraverso la rinascita, il tuo eroe può guadagnare Cristalli Rebirth per essere trasformati in manufatti con immensa abilità magiche. Per ogni Rinascita tuo eroe passare attraverso, che riceveranno enormemente più forte attraverso il potere degli Artefatti!
Getting surrounded by hordes of enemies and dodging bullet hell is not the only way to play a Shooter game. In Clash of Heavens, you summon a horde of allies to surround and destroy monsters! You will power up your hero and allies with Incremental clicker gameplay, and go forth to annihilate the Devil Army!
★ Features ★
◆ FREE TO PLAY Exciting Action RPG Experience
◆ TAP to defeat hordes of monsters
◆ ADVANCE across various realms to save the world
◆ COLLECT pets, artifacts and equipment to help your clause
◆ GATHER with your friends and guildmates and defeat the demons with the power of Friendship and Unity
◆ REBIRTH and grow ever and ever stronger as you march on
◆ COMPETE against other heroes and won marvelous rewards from tournaments
Fast-Paced Combat!
Shoot! Destroy! Push Forward! Have fun mowing down gigantic monsters!
Mow Down the Mobs with Style!
As you level up, you can learn various awesome skills -- Powerful attacks, massive group buffs, and draw upon the power of your friends and guildmates!
Fly with Your Pets!
You can summon pets to help shoot down the monsters. Not just a couple of them. You can summons dozens of pets to swarm your enemies!
Collect Artifacts!
By going through Rebirth, your hero can earn Rebirth Crystals to be turned into Artifacts with immense magical prowess. For every Rebirth your hero go through, they will get tremendously stronger through the power of the Artifacts!